


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anais Nin

A holistic approach to mental and emotional wellbeing that recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind and body.


Welcome, brave adventurer,

to the journey of self-discovery.

As your guide and fellow traveller,

I will lead you into the unknown depths of your own body wisdom.

Though the path may be shrouded in mystery and uncertainty,

I assure you that the rewards of this journey will be life-changing.

Are you ready to embrace the adventure?

– Rachel Fower


Our Uniqueness

I believe that each of us is unique, with our own “Soul Flower” blueprint that represents your potential for growth and fulfillment.

By focusing on physical sensations and movement, somatic processes help you tune into your body and emotions and release tension or stress that may be stored in the body.

Through techniques such as mindfulness, body awareness, inner tracking, and movement exercises, somatic integration can help you reconnect with your body and tap into your innate capacity for healing. This can lead to a greater sense of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, as well as improved physical and emotional well-being.

How can your

life blossom?

Personal Breakthrough

Whether it's anxiety, overwhelm or burnout, or you have a big dream and you're feeling stuck or disheartened,. there's nothing like a healthy dose of left field to shake yourself free

Business Transformation

Tapping into your full potential, and cultivating confidence, imagination and creativity while building a vision has never been more important.

Corporate Leadership

and Team Building

These are indeed intense times. In a culture rampant with overwhelm, burnout and excessive layoffs, finding that strength and stability within while building healthy teams is essential.

Benefits of

Somatic Integration

By discovering and tending to your soul flower, you can experience a deeper sense of fulfillment, purpose, and connection to yourself and the world around you.

The benefits of this approach include:

  • Improved emotional regulation: So we can better manage and regulate our emotions, which can lead to reduced symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Increased self-awareness: So we can gain a deeper understanding of our own bodies and emotions, which can improve self-awareness and self-esteem.

  • Greater emotional expression: So we can better express our emotions, which can lead to improved relationships and communication with others.

  • Enhanced physical function: by addressing tension and patterns of movement that may be contributing to pain or discomfort.

  • Improved stress management: So we can better manage stress by learning techniques for relaxation and mindfulness.


Let’s Talk

  • Increased resilience: So we can enhance our ability to cope with difficult situations.

  • Greater sense of connection: So we can feel more connected to ourselves and the world around us, which can improve overall well-being.

  • Greater sense of embodiment: Allowing us to feel more grounded and present in our own bodies, which can improve overall well-being.

  • Greater sense of self-compassion: helping to reduce negative self-talk and increase self-care.

  • Relief from chronic pain: by addressing the underlying emotional and physical issues that contribute to our pain we may be able to reduce it.

Somatic Integration Sessions


Regenerative Leadership Development


Personal Branding based on Numerological Analysis

Group Leadership Retreats

Plant Medicine and Sound Healing

About Rachel

Founder of Soul Flower Somatics, Somatic Integration Guide, Numerologist, Bard, and Fellow Adventurer

Flower is my real name. Thanks Dad.

And it’s not quite what it seems. I’m English, and back in the day, surnames were references to your profession. Apparently, when it came to making arrows, The Flower family had the very important responsibility of attaching the tail (namely the feathers). Without the tail, the arrow would not fly true.

I like to think that I am still a true Flower, helping those arrows find their target. And what is the arrow? It is the arrow of intent. The arrow of a life lived with meaning and fulfillment. Integrity. Authenticity. And this is why I love somatic work so much. It’s all about being true to who you are. Which, in the language of Soul Flower, means to rise up purposefully like a shoot through soil and unfurl all that beautiful potential.

I always loved gardening, and so, supporting people in connecting with their true nature expressing their blooming amazingness feels like a wonderful extension of something I have relished all my life.

Speaking of true nature, I am grateful to live at Lake Tahoe where she never fails to surpass herself with beauty and self expression. These vistas never grow old.

Along the way, I have been sharpening my arrow, and I am eternally grateful to the many teachers and guides I have had over four decades, in numerous mind-body-spirit disciplines that have formed the rich soil which feeds the deep work I do. These include Integrated Awareness, Clairvision, Holodynamic Inquiry, Soul Contract Numerology, Bio Energetics, Sound Healing, Thai Massage, Somatic Plant Medicine Integration and Psychedelic Somatic Interactive Therapy, Movement therapy, and many forms of meditation.

The bard bit? That’s a recent evolution since rediscovering the power of music in Brazil a few years ago that had me dive headlong into sound healing. I took the ‘bowl and ran with it, and now my home is blessed with all manner of sound devices that I sometimes subject my clients to. These include crystal bowls, guitars, hang drums, a flute, an ocarina, rattles, tuning forks, chimes, a charango, and way too many drums.

As I continue to discover for myself every day, each one of us has a unique blueprint for our expression in this life. A particular blend of frequencies that makes us our brilliant selves.

May your arrow of intent guide you to the fullness of who you are.

And may your garden bloom.


And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anais Nin

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Rachel Flower